Prostate friendly bike seat MK9 model by Spongy Wonder on a 'go fast' commuting bike. Our bike seat is prostate friendly.

Dr. Steven Schrader (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH):

“When you sit on a bike the pressure on the perineum increases sevenfold. Riders using a classic saddle place 1/4 of their body weight on the perineum. The amount of oxygen reaching the ***** typically falls 70% to 80% in 3 minutes. A guy can have his oxygen levels drop 100% but he doesn’t know it. After half an hour he goes numb. Saddles with splits or holes may make matters worse because they have smaller surface areas, and hence the rider’s weight presses harder on less saddle. The arteries in the perineum run laterally and therefore they come under more pressure when they come into contact with the cutouts’ edges. It is no longer a question of whether or not traditional bike saddles causes ED, but what are you going to do about it?”

Doctor Riders on the Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Bike Seat:

After seeing injuries from traditional bicycle seats, I was happy to discover your prostate friendly bike seat. – Dr. Philip Alexander, M.D. College Station, TX

I lecture nationally and want to show a picture of your noseless bicycle seat for women in my lectures. Please give me permission. – Hope K. Haefner M.D, The University of Michigan Center for Vulvar Diseases

The Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat is great and the best of the prostate sparing bike seats that I’ve tried. – Seth Manoach. Brooklyn, NY M.D, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Chair, CPR

The following is a copy of a letter sent to the Mayo Clinic Health: “To Whom it May Concern, I read your June 2007 article on ED as being caused by bicycle seats. In that article you state that an optimal bike seat design has yet to be determined. I thought you would like to know about the Spongy Wonder bike seat which totally addresses this problem. I felt compelled to write because I did find an ED and prostate friendly bike seat that works effectively.” – L. C. Winter Springs, FL.

I have 1000KMs on my Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat and will never go back. Tomorrow I go to Italy and spongy is coming with me. What wondrous prostate relief! – Dr. F.W. Calgary

What The Men Say About Our Prostate Friendly Bike Seat:

Noseless bicycle seat completes a century in Wisconsin for a brother in law, uncle and nephew. It's prostate safe!

Hi Jeff! Last week my Brother-in-law, Nephew and I rode 101 miles connecting The Great River, The LaCrosse, The Elroy-Sparta and The 400 Trails in Wisconsin. We all ride your noseless bike seat so we called our ride ‘The Spongy Wonder 100’. Good Times. – Phil

I could not be riding if not for the prostate friendly bike seat from Spongy Wonder! 3.5 years ago I was diagnosed with Pudendal Neuralgia or Pudendal Nerve Entrapment (PNE). My doctors say the condition was caused by a traditional bike seat and my last 2 years using a “cut out” ergonomic bike seat only made my condition worse. I took two years and have now returned to racing hanks to the Spongy Wonder. I had tried countless so-called prostate friendly bike seats but none of them allowed me to ride without pain. Thank you Spongy Wonder! – R. Santa Rosa, CA

At my annual physical, my PSA was 6.6. In the past, it had always been between 1 and 2. My doctor said “Stop riding for a month – if your PSA goes down, fine – it was due to the bicycling. If your PSA stays up, you’ll need a biopsy.” I didn’t stop. I bought a Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Bike Seat instead. Before my repeat test, I rode 62 miles on Saturday, and 25 miles on Sunday. My repeat PSA on Monday was 1.4. – David Sokal

Before Spongy Wonder’s prostate friendly bike seat I was having prostate issues. After riding many different traditional bicycle seats I stopped riding. Then I tried my friend’s Spongy Wonder and now there is no way I would ride a bike without a Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat. Many Thanks. – B.B. San Francisco

Hey Jeff, I can’t tell you how pleased I am with this new noseless bicycle seat!! I haven’t been on my bike for several years due to numbness. It’s absolutely amazing. No discomfort and no numbing sensations with your Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat and I’ve improved my health as a result of dropping to a normal body weight. Thanks again. – N. Nutter. Maine

In my estimation, this prostate friendly bike seat is one of the greatest technical innovations in cycling history. I am able to ride again without compromising my health. I have no numbness and no ED and consequently I am fit and healthy again and have never felt better. In conclusion, words really cannot describe how good I feel. – Dan Posa

For the first time in a very long time I have been able to ride without terrible tailbone pain. I tried many different seats and covers but NOTHING has worked like your noseless bicycle seat. Worth every cent. It was a pleasure doing business with you and I will pass the word on to my fellow e-bike rides! – Tashjian

I bought a Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Bike Seat about 8 years ago, due to prostate issues and an elevated PSA. I rode 100 km with my Spongy Wonder, and had a normal PSA a couple of days later. After 8 years the padding wore out so I bought another MK10A. I’m very happy with Jeff’s prostate friendly bike seat. It’s a really comfortable bike seat & great service from Jeff. 100% prostate relief is just a call away. – David S. North Carolina

My experience with the Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat has been fantastic! Perfect for perineum and prostate relief! And it’s a marvelously comfortable bike seat. – Jose M. Spain

What The Ladies Say About Our Women’s Bike Seat:

Noseless bicycle seat helps Man and wife team complete 4200km trip from Portugal to The Black Sea.

“Hello Jeff! Here I am doing an interview with Romanian television. 4200kms in 42 days from The Atlantic to The Black Sea, and my husband and I could not have done it without your noseless bike seat! Thanks again! “- B. Ricour

Hi Jeff, Just wanted to let you know I absolutely love your very, very comfortable Spongy Wonder noseless bicycle seat for women. I’m so happy to have ordered this from you.– Best Regards, Samantha

Dear Jeff, I Love my Spongy Wonder noseless bicycle seat for women!! I first heard about it on a vulvodynia and vestibulitis forum when searching for a woman’s bike seat that reduced vulvar pressure. Your comfortable bike seat for women saved me. – Sincerely, F.D. in Florida

My Spongy Wonder noseless bicycle seat for women arrived and today was a 35 mile Coastal Carolina Bike Club Ride. What a difference your noseless bicycle seat made! No pain up front and no soreness in my butt! Everyone kept asking how my “spongy butt” was and I kept telling them GREAT. Thank you for making such a wonderful product. I was about to give up because of the pain in “my girl” region. Do you need any sales reps in the southern U.S.? I could have easily sold 3 today. – Thanks Again, B. P. Hilton Head Island, SC

I am very happy with my Spongy Wonder Noseless Bicycle Seat for Women! My sister-in-law and I go on 3 and 4 day bike ride vacations and usually cover 25 and 40 miles a day. When home my rides are usually 40+ miles. Because of the SW I don’t have to wear padded shorts and I ride for hours on end without chafing or soreness. If everyone knew about your noseless bicycle seat for women everyone would have one! – Sincerely, Cindy Hannas

Jeff, your noseless bicycle seat for women has worked. For the first time in 12 yrs I am enjoying cycling. No more coccyx problems – totally pain free. I adjusted to it on my first short ride and now it feels perfectly normal. I am so happy to be biking again. One Very Happy Customer. – Angela Stanway. UK

Our Prostate Safe Bike Seat And Touring, Competing and Commuting Cyclists:

Prostate Friendly noseless bicycle saddle on a loaded touring bike is the perfect bicycle saddle for touring bikes.

Dear Mr. Dixon, in June of 2008 I rode 1700 km through Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. All touring cyclists should know the benefits of this extraordinary prostate friendly bike seat for men. Once again I want to thank you because without the Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat I could not cycle. Warmest Greetings From Spain. – P. V. Gomez

I am a 50+ year old road racer/time trialer who has tried many bicycle saddles with no success in ending numbness while time trialing or riding rollers. I received my first Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat in February 2007. BY FAR the best bike saddle I have ridden. The symptoms of numbness are gone. Due to your prostate friendly bike seat I have continued road racing and time trialing. – Markus Naegeli

Hi Jeff, I am very happy with my spongy wonder prostate friendly bike seat for men. Last summer I put 4,000 km on my bike included three mountain bike marathons. The first two were ~38 km with 1200 m of climbing and the last was 60 km with 1800 m of climbing. The last one took me 4h 25m to complete. It is a performance oriented yet comfortable bike seat. Regards. – Chuck McDermott. A Canadian in Vienna, Austria

Hi Jeff! With the Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat I won the overall single division of the Swamp Fox in Charleston SC. At SOAR in Highland NC 2008, I won age group over 50. Due to my success several of my friends have purchased. Your revolutionary prostate friendly bike seat did everything you said it would. Thank you. – Gary Jackson

Dear Spongy Wonder, After commuting for almost ten years I started having trouble urinating. Vacation had me off the bike and when I got back on the cause of the problem was painfully obvious. I tried some wider and more padded conventional seats with limited success. Finally, I got the spongy wonder prostate friendly bike seat and the problems (both the discomfort and with slowed urination) vanished. I’ve been commuting on the Spongy Wonder for 2+ years and am really impressed with it. – Matthew McG.

I am an avid roadie, and was riding about 150-200 miles a week, when I developed “saddle-induced prostatitis”. I fought it for a year, tried 10 different saddles and was one step away from quitting. My last step was your reportedly prostate friendly bike seat. I had immediate relief. I have been able to ramp the mileage back up, and am riding 2 hours per day again with absolutely no problems. I’m surprised more urologists are not aware of your bicycle seat. – Greg L. Houston, Texas

First off, I’d like to say thanks. I was told your prostate friendly bike seat wouldn’t work on long rides and that it wouldn’t be as stable around corners. Yet I continue to train on it for hours at a time without a complaint. I also plan to use your prostate friendly bike seat in the Ironman Canada race in Penticton this summer. Thanks again for creating a much needed product! – Eide

Hi there, My parents got me your prostate friendly bike seat as a birthday present and being an ex-mountain bike racer I looked at it with some disdain albeit with much curiosity. I cannot, will not, go back to the traditional style bicycle saddles again. This is an amazingly comfortable bike seat. Comfortably riding in Montreal. – Michel

Jeff, I got my spongy wonder prostate friendly bike seat after a prostate cancer operation. I was a dedicated commuter and couldn’t imagine going back to the bus. And I also couldn’t imagine riding on a racing seat ever again. Yikes. It didn’t take me long to find that your bike seat was the difference between riding and not riding. – Bill. Melbourne. Australia

More Prostate Friendly Bike Seat Testimonials

I am happy to recommend your prostate friendly bike seat for men! I started having problems in the pelvic area after rides of only a few miles. The several split bike seats I tried didn’t solve the problem! The Spongy Wonder noseless bike seat did! Thanks Spongy Wonder for this great bicycle seat!

R.A. Santa Monica CA

I had stopped riding due to bicycle seat induces prostate issues when I found the Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat. It truly saved my cycling.

Peter Fogg

Four years ago I had my prostrate removed. I purchased a Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Bike Seat. No problems. This year I bought a bike with a traditional seat and after my second ride I experienced total loss of bladder control. I took the Spongy Wonder off the old bike and put it on the new bike. No more leaks. I have purchased another Spongy Wonder. If it wasn’t for The Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Bike Seat I wouldn’t be riding at all. Thank you, Jeff, for a great product as I am “Back in the saddle again.”

Larry A. Moose Jaw Saskatchewan

I’ve had a Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat for years! I spent a small fortune looking for a bike seat that I could tolerate for more than 20 minutes. Once I found this comfortable bike seat my search was over! The Spongy Wonder lets me ride in near perfect comfort with 100% prostate relief. This seat keeps me active!

David Johnson

Dear Spongy Wonder,

My wife and I just purchased The Spongy Wonder men’s and women’s bike seat for our Cannondale tandem. We’ve only ridden 40-50 miles so far and already we both love them! Within about 100 meters of getting on the first time, my wife said that it felt like she was riding naked – and I felt exactly the same way. They’re great. We’ll tell our friends.

K. T. Granger, Indiana

Although the name of this prostate friendly bike seat is a little unfortunate, the seat itself is outstanding. The seat keeps all your weight on your sit bones, avoiding putting pressure on the perineum, and the prostate. I ride a lot and I have never had numbness or pain with this comfortable prostate friendly bike seat.

David Kroop

I’ve used my prostate friendly Spongy Wonder noseless bike seat for just over a month. No more perineum pain. I read that there was a learning curve due to not having the nose but I found no such problem. I recommend this comfortable bike seat to everyone I know. Great product Jeff.

Bob Hoffart

I have had the prostate friendly bike seat by Spongy Wonder on my daily commuter bike for almost two years. I ride between 4000 and 5000 km a year. Other options promised to reduce pressure but only this product works as advertised. It is all-day comfortable bike seat and there is no longer any numbness or perineum pain after riding. The owner/inventor is very helpful and responsive.

David Neasmith

I Went for a dawn ride this morning on my new mountain bike. If I had doubts before, they’re gone now I KNOW why I got my first Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bicycle seat. OUCH! Can’t wait … for the second to arrive.

J. Eastep

My name is John Thornton and I recently bought a Spongy Wonder No Nose Bicycle Seat after reading Art Carey’s wonderful column in the Philadelphia Inquirer. I made a video as a tribute to the Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Seat. I hope you enjoy it and I am TRULY GRATEFUL to you. Thanks!

Sincerely, John Thornton (John’s video is in the testimonial section on the Home Page)

John Thornton


Granted, your prostate friendly bike seat does look like a torture device, and it certainly turns people’s heads, but it makes riding my bike a pleasure. I originally bought the seat to protect my prostate and the blood vessels and nerves in my perineum and it certainly does that.

M. T. Ann Arbor, MI


I started using the Spongy Wonder MK9 prostate friendly no nose bicycle seat in ’06 following prostate cancer surgery. I will never ride a “wedge” seat/saddle again. My son-in-law let me test ride his new Turner fitted with a traditional bicycle seat. In fifteen minutes those old feelings began to come back: pressure, tingling, and urges to squirt on a bush. My only frustration is in getting other riders in my age group (50+) to get off the wedge and mount up on The Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat. Thank you!

Steve S.

I stopped riding for 2 years after a visit to my urologist. After I showed him your prostate friendly bike seat he told me to try it and since then I am as good a rider as before.

Roberto C. Mexico

I’d ridden more than a thousand miles in the year before prostate surgery but was unable to ride without pain afterward. I bought a Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bicycle seat for men and was riding like my old self after day one. Thank you!

B. M. Vero Beach FL

I have ridden in the Pan Mass Challenge with your prostate friendly bicycle seat for the last three years. I won’t ride a bike without it. It is a great noseless bicycle seat.

Robert D. Amesbury. MA.

I have chronic prostatitis from using a traditional saddle. I was in so much pain and discomfort, I was ready to give up cycling. That was up until I discovered the Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat. It saves me from any more pain and from taking anti-inflammatory pills. Thank You Jeff Dixon for inventing the Spongy Wonder noseless bicycle seat. Happy riding everyone!

Angelo Montilla

At 34 I shouldn’t have prostate problems, but I do. Now, I have a comfortable bike seat that still allows me to ride. Trust me, you don’t want to have prostatitis, pudendal nerve problems (often called “Cyclist’s Syndrome”), or anything else urologically related. Be proactive and buy this prostate friendly bike seat.

Thanks, Bob Newell

Bob Newell

I purchased a Trek Hybrid two years ago and shortly after was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately, it was discovered early but the radiation and seed implant treatments made it very uncomfortable to ride. I recommend your prostate friendly bicycle seat to anyone that prostate issues associated with a traditional bike seat.

Ronnie Marchant

Hi Jeff,

At the age of 45, I was having a problem with an enlarged prostate which was causing pain when riding my bike. My doctor told me I had a prostate gland the size of a much older man. At the time, I was riding about 1,000k per month. Fortunately, I heard the CBC radio interview with you, and it sounded like what I was looking for. I’m 51 and ride 500k per month. My Doctor says I now have a normal-sized prostate gland and I never have any pain. The Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bicycle seat kept me riding.

Thanks, Jonathan


Hi Jeff! The Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat is a Godsend. In April 06. Jim had prostate surgery. We had a Provence bicycle trip and Jim never had any problems the whole ten days of cycling. We will pack it this June for a week in the Netherlands. Jim has found it easy to install on other bikes. We both wish you success.

Pat & Jim Johnston

Hey Jeff,

I ordered your noseless bicycle seat last spring and put it on a Sun Drifter cruiser. I love it. No pain anywhere, no prostate issues, and I can ride all day long. I just today ordered the cover for the bike seat. You have a fabulously comfortable bike seat and I recommend it to all riders.

K. M. – Meridian Idaho

Mr. Dixon,

I have been using your no nose bicycle seat for about three months of winter commuting in no nose bicycle saddle is working very well. I have it mounted on a soft-tail Litespeed Ti with a Rockshox seat post.

Good job. David S. Anchorage, Alaska

David S. Anchorage, Alaska

I am extremely satisfied with my prostate friendly bicycle seat and with the service of your company. I bought your bicycle saddle originally because I had prostate surgery. I’m still using it 3 years later. Thanks for a great idea.

Rich Cavers

Dear Jeff,

I ordered the Spongy Wonder no nose bicycle seat for my son who has a chronic problem with one of his “cubes.” He is absolutely delighted and is doing a lot more riding these days. Maybe urologists will listen if you can get the word about your wonderful no nose bicycle seat for men out to them.

J. McL.

At age 59 my no nose bicycle seat is by far the most important upgrade on my bike. I had reoccurring prostate problems but since I installed the spongy wonder prostate friendly no nose bicycle seat 3 years ago I have not returned to the Doctor for treatment. Also, I have been continually impressed with the quality and workmanship.

Larry Dennis

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I have been using your prostate friendly bike saddle for 7 months riding my LG stationary bike for 1 – 1 1/4 hours per day. The Spongy Wonder noseless bike saddle for men is a comfortable bike seat and more importantly – no prostate pressure!

D. Yielding

When I first started riding bikes I took what was ‘offered.’ The tires, pedals and the bicycle seat. As I progressed I searched high and low for a comfortable alternative and came across the Spongy Wonder prostate safe bike seat. I ride for hours and never have that uncomfortable prostate pressure I had with my old bicycle seat. I have three bicycles and a Spongy Wonder for each. I will never go back to what is ‘offered.’

Sincerely, G. P. Illinois

G. P. Illinois

It wouldn’t be possible for me to bicycle as much as I do without the Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat. When I first started to commute to work, I suffered from pressure on the prostate and perineal nerves. Problem solved with the Spongy Wonder.

Jeff Davison


Your Spongy Wonder prostate friendly seat WORKS WONDERFULLY!!!!!! I It is the ONLY bicycle seat that has let me ride again with my damaged tailbone.

B. P. Fremont, CA


Your no nose bicycle seat is very, very comfortable prostate friendly bike seat. No prostate problems and no numbness whatsoever!


Dear Jeff,

The Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bicycle seat has made more difference to my recreational enjoyment than anything else. After I developed prostatitis I was depressed because it hurt to ride. I searched ‘bicycle seat prostate’ and you came up. Now I can ride again with no prostate pain. Truly, I can’t thank you enough.

Barry S. Cherry Hill, NJ

Dear Spongy Wonder,

After commuting for almost ten years I had started having some trouble urinating. The doctor found an enlarged prostate but neither of us suspected commuting by bicycle as the cause. Vacation had me off the bike and when I got back on the cause of the problem was painfully obvious. I tried some wider and more padded conventional seats with limited success. Finally, I got the spongy wonder prostate friendly no nose bike seat and the problems (both the discomfort and with slowed urination) vanished. I’ve been commuting on the spongy-wonder for more than two years now and am really impressed with it.

Matthew McG

The spongy wonder no nose bicycle seat has changed my cycling life. I started using the spongy wonder prostate friendly bike seat in 2006 because I was getting numbness and prostrate problems. I have now cycled about 7000 kms. I am now using the new generation Spongy Wonder with the large pads which are even more comfortable than the old pads. Thanks Jeff for helping me keep active. I am over 70 now and hope to continue to ride for many more years.

Ray Matsalla

Just wanted to drop you a line an let you know how I am making out on the Spongy Wonder prostate safe bicycle seat. No numbness or pain. My prostate thanks you. I am sending a picture to my Urologist. What a great product. It looks rather Hi-tech and very cool as well.

Bob B.

Hi Jeff, I’ve had a lifelong struggle with cycling induced prostatitis. I tried all kinds of seats but finally gave up. I am indebted to you Jeff.

R. F. Wading River, NY

Dear Jeff,

I was on disability for 10 weeks this summer for a bleeding prostate, but after riding for 40+ years I couldn’t give up. With your prostate friendly bicycle saddle (MK8A) I have had no further problems. The first Spongy Wonder went on my road bike. The new one will go on my stationary trainer.

G. Moran

Hi Jeff,

I Just received the newest spongy wonder noseless bicycle seat today. I’ve been a customer for over 10 years, and you continue to make your prostate friendly bicycle seat better and better, which I didn’t think was possible. Thank you for making such a great high quality bicycle seat that allows me to bike with no discomfort. Best wishes and continued success.

K. M. Huntsville Alabama

I first saw a no nose bicycle seat that resembles the spongy wonder back in the early 90 s in a management video that focused on changing paradigms. The narrator was a cyclist and showed a picture of the seat he had invented. Earlier this year I remembered the seat he showed and went to google looking for a noseless bicycle seat. The rest is history. I now own a spongy wonder prostate friendly bike seat and am completely satisfied. I rode for 4.5 hours Sunday with absolutely no numbness, prostate pressure etc. I never experienced any muscular problems. Now to the question: “Is Jeff Dixon the same person that did the video?” It would be cool if Jeff is the same guy.

R. D. Welch

YES, the Spongy Wonder really works!! After many years of serious long distance road cycling, I developed major “soft tissue” pain. I tried a few saddles with varied cut outs that did not work. The Spongy Wonder prostate friendly bike seat does what the inventor claims. This is a well-made product, both in design and construction. It is more than worth the cost as it will last and solves discomfort issues. It makes riding possible again.

Richard Elmira, Ontario

Hi Jeff! I help install docks and this week I was inside the garage of one of our customers when I noticed two bicycles with SW prostate friendly bicycle seats! It made me very happy to know there are others in my area.

Matt Thomson

Jeff My Friend,

I’m riding my bike without padded cycling shorts, and for hours with no pain the next day! You’re a brilliant person. My family is finally paying attention to Jeff … The Spongy Wonder Prostate Friendly Bicycle Seat Guy.

Noseless bike seat on an EMotion electric bike along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It's a prostate safe bike seat.
Noseless bike seat on a fully equipped touring bike somewhere in Hungary. Our noseless bike seats are prostate safe.
Noseless bike seat on a Strida ultra modern small diameter wheeled bike. Our prostate friendly bike seat fits the 'vibe.'
Noseless bike seat on a massively loaded touring bike somewhere in the Alps. It's prostate friendly bike seat!
Noseless bike saddle propels road racer in the Italian Alps. End the prostate trauma with our prostate friendly bike saddle.
Noseless bike saddle gets a big thumbs up ion one of John's 6 SW outfitted bikes in New Zealand. Prostate safe bike seat!
Noseless bike saddle on a commuting bike looks great! Our prostates safe bike saddle is also the perfect women's bike seat.
Noseless bike saddle on an unusual mountain bike somewhere in Asia. One noseless bike saddle to rule them all!
Noseless bike saddle on a Trek Road bike somewhere in the Florida Keys. A performance ready prostate friendly bike saddle.
Noseless bike saddle on a Bianchi hybrid bike. Prostate safe bike seat that is also the perfect women's bike seat.
Prostate friendly bike seat on a go fast commuting bike. SW prostate friendly bike seat is also a great bike seat for women.